Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Streets Can Be Public Spaces Too


A New Way of Understanding 'Eyes on the Street'

You can’t make people watch streets they do not want to watch. Safety on the streets by surveillance and mutual policing of one another sounds grim, but in real life it is not grim. The safety of the street works best, most casually, and with least frequent taint of hostility or suspicion precisely where people are using and most enjoying the streets voluntarily and are least conscious, normally, that they are policing.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why We Need to Treat America's Poorest Neighborhoods Like Developing Countries

"It’s no mystery about why life expectancy is low in some areas," Fleming says. "Lots of factors influence health. The striking thing is that most of these factors we’re talking about intensely cluster geographically in the same places. Places with low life expectancy are the same places that have high infant mortality rates, high rates of asthma, high rates of obesity."

They're the same places that have few healthy food options, or no sidewalks to encourage walking, or less safety at night, or even greater rates of environmental pollution. This suggests the real public health challenge, as we've written before, is as much about place as it is about people. And that means the solutions should be about place, too.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Your Sedentary Lifestyle Is Turning You Into a Nervous Wreck

The normal human solution, which is to walk around the world as we work, gather food, and play, is increasingly inaccessible to us.